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Store settings on blockchain

reviewed: 8 April 2023

At initial step make sure that your local Ethereum network is up and running. Also check PheixDatabase smart contract to be deployed to local Ethereum network. PheixDatabase smart contract address (any actual one: latest deployment or some previous one) should be set up in initial module configuration file.

Initial module configuration file

    "module": {
        "configuration": {
            "settings": {
                "storage": {
                    "group": {
                        "ExtensionEthelia": {
                            "type": "1",
                            "path": "conf/system/eth",
                            "strg": "PheixDatabase",
                            "extn": "abi",
                            "prtl": "http://",
                            "host": "",
                            "port": "8541",
                            "hash": "0x3ad9c91c3984d62768b9f2e18460c0375a0f34e03a800b3d2d336ad49f27999b",
                            "user": "",
                            "pass": "node1",
                            "data": "undefined",
                            "sign": ""
                "routing": {
                    "label": "Routing settings",
                    "group": {
                        "routes": {
                            "search": {
                                "label": "Event store",
                                "route": {
                                    "path": "/ethelia/event/store",
                                    "hdlr": {
                                        "/api": "event_store_api"

Deploy configuration file to blockchain

Change directory to your Pheix distributive:

cd $HOME/git/pheix-pool/core-perl6

Make sure that PheixDatabase smart contract address is setup for tst_table storage at Pheix configuration file at conf/config.json. Run the deployment command:

PHEIXDEBUGLEVEL=0 PHEIXTESTENGINE=1 raku ./t/06-blockchain-comp.t local deploy $HOME/apache_root/pheix/www/custom-config/storage/ExtensionEthelia/config-decentralized.json Ethelia/ false true 97000

NOTE: table on blockchain with configuration JSON will has Ethelia/config-decentralized name: it's compiled from target base name w/o extension config-decentralized and Ethelia/ prefix from command line.

Successful deployment:

# Subtest: Tables with content datasets test on local PoA net, tab: tst_table
    ok 1 - s3: account unlock (1.901 sec)
    ok 2 - s3: drop 1 tabs (5.904 sec)
    # *** DPL: 0x643e197d06e33d84a33fdb3bf11d272a7a453c5a5d2367e208d3fb205bb056a9
    ok 3 - s3: store datasets (10.257 sec)
    ok 4 - s3: validate datasets (0.934 sec)

Create table for events storing

Since we deployed configuration file to blockchain — all PheixDatabase tables was dropped. This cause the issue on storing new events via API, so you have to unlock your account first with personal.unlockAccount() and create blank table ExtensionEthelia via Geth console:

storage.newTable.sendTransaction("ExtensionEthelia", "", false, {from: personal.listAccounts[0], gas: 3000000});

Basic module configuration file

Alongside the configuration on blackchain we have to create simple configuration file for extension, which will point to blockchain storage.

Extension setup in Pheix /home/pheix/www/conf/config.json:

    "addons": {
        "group": {
            "installed": {
                "ethelia": {
                    "addon": "Ethelia",
                    "config": "/home/pheix/extensions/ethelia/storage",
                    "extension": 1

By default <ModuleName>/config.json file will be searched in /home/pheix/extensions/ethelia/storage directory. For Pheix extensions module name should be hard coded in extension source and available via getter get_name().

In case of Ethelia extension module name is ExtensionEthelia.

Let's put the next content to /home/pheix/extensions/ethelia/storage/ExtensionEthelia/config.json:

    "module": {
        "configuration": {
            "settings": {
                "external-config-storage": {
                    "value": "Ethelia/config-decentralized"
                "storage": {
                    "group": {
                        "Ethelia/config-decentralized": {
                            "type": "1",
                            "path": "conf/system/eth",
                            "strg": "PheixDatabase",
                            "extn": "abi",
                            "prtl": "http://",
                            "host": "",
                            "port": "8541",
                            "hash": "0x3ad9c91c3984d62768b9f2e18460c0375a0f34e03a800b3d2d336ad49f27999b",
                            "user": "",
                            "pass": "node1",
                            "data": "undefined"

Implementation details: